Just when I think I'm done with my alleged "quick quilt" something always seems to go wrong. Like today when I ran out of ribbon for the binding (just one yard short!!), or last week when the cats played judge and the verdict was "we don't like it so we're going to pee on it" (everyone's a critic!!).
Live and learn but you still die dumb!
I finally found the same ribbon I was using for the binding and was able to sew the last edge of this "not-as-quick-as-I-thought-quilt". Whew. I feel like a weight has been lifted!! And while this isn't the prettiest of quilts, it did help to teach me a few new techniques. And perhaps most important of all its made me feel more comfortable with machine layering.
All in all I think it was a success, and now the couch has one more throw blanket!
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