It's not that I've been slacking off on sewing, it's that I've started a small cat rescue in my house. We're now up to 7 cats (minus 2 - one that we had to put to sleep that broke my heart, and one that we had to release back outside but that continues to stay in our backyard near the people, but not too close).
This little guy (which later turned out to be a girl) is Oliver. She was very, very sick when we rescued her... 6 months old and didn't weigh two pounds. She had a lot of problems, not the least of which was leukemia, so sadly the vet decided the best course of action would be to put her down. She was given much much love in her final days though, and went to sleep purring as loud as she could. She also inspired a massive kitten rescue operation, so I like to think her brief little life was worth more than she could know.
This is Madeline. She was about 5 weeks old when we rescued her (2 days after we lost Oliver), and was already pretty sick (although fortunately cancer free!!). She had a heavy regime of antibiotics, and now is a crazy little kitten. She also makes a weird turkey gobble sound when she purrs, which only added to the long list of reasons why we needed to keep her as our fourth cat:)
This little guy is Jasper. He's one of three that was rescued New Year's Day (along with his two sisters and mom). Of the bunch he was the most sick.... couldn't open his eyes because of a respiratory infection. But today you'd never know he was anything but a super charged 8 week old kitty. He's also turned into the biggest lover of the bunch, never wanting to be away from the people! Anyone want to give him a good home???? We're currently accepting applications:)
This is Jasper as the base to the Maddie & Emily pyramid, snuggled between their people.
This lovely lady is Arianna Fluffington. Her extreme fluffiness makes her hard to capture on film (or iPhone camera), but I can assure you she's a total diva.
So yes, I haven't been sewing much this month, but I think rescuing kittens is a good reason why!! Although I may need to try my hand at my first pet bed sooner than later, with all these extra bodies in the house (and not nearly enough room on the people's bed, as we've learned the hard way).
And Arianna, Emily and Jasper are all up for adoption so please let me know if you have a loving home (preferably with other pets) and would like to take in a new fuzz ball. They're really sweet and loving, and very playful!
Although Emily and Arianna have interested humans... if we can just convince the husbands!:)